Dúbravská cesta 1793, 841 04 Karlova Ves, Slovakia
Rast vďaka flexibilite. Prednosťami Westend Tower sú flexibilita priestorov a služieb spolu s mimoriadne perspektívnou lokalitou. Vďaka priaznivému pomeru ceny a kvality získavajú nájomcovia podmienky, ktoré otvárajú možnosti pre etablovaných hráčov aj novozaložené startupy s potenciálom rýchleho rastu.
you cannot go up, it is locked up, but it is nice walk through forest :)
Bussines center
Nice business place. Good curri nearby.
Love you job ♡
It is an office building with a lot of companies. So far I had no problems or good experiences.
Administratívna budova, Westendd Tower je jednou z dominánt západnej časti Bratislavy umiestnenou priamo pri významnom bratislavskom dopravnom uzle - Patrónka. Parkovanie je tu problémové, najlepšie je sem prísť mestskou hromadnou dopravou.
Die Parkkarte funktioniert schon wieder nicht! Das Parkhauspersonal ein bisschen launisch, kommt drauf an, mit wem man es dann zu tun bekommt, die Leute am Empfang sind aber ganz ok. Die Kantine ist auch in Ordnung. Büroflächen akzeptabel.
Reinforced concrete wonder of the world
I hope I wasnt in a hurry
I was in the oldest building, closest to Patronka. The north side is great, especially in hot summer
City office
Very pleasant helpful lady at the reception
Huge parking problem. If you want to come here, only public transport!
Parking must be arranged in advance. While we were there, we caught an evacuation exercise. In this case, there is no elevator :-(
A great dining room with a wide range of ready meals in the daily menu
Business zone. Nice
Good food, bad parking
Car parking in front of the building - a big minus